Developments affecting the information management landscape—some recent and some taking place over many years—are spurring convergences of several different, but interrelated spaces. Such developments include regulatory pressures (e.g., new privacy regulations such as GDPR), advancements in analytics, movement of enterprise data to the cloud, and an influx of data volumes and data types creating data silos across the enterprise. The lasting impact of these changes is a building necessity for governing the entirety of enterprise data and its many functions with a unified approach.

Convergence of information governance and analytics

Advancements in analytics are making waves across nearly every major industry, and while analysis of consumer data has long been a staple data of marketing and sales initiatives, organizations are just now realizing the possibilities of a whole new type of analytics: communications analytics. For example, just by looking at the flow of emails within an organization, a manager can instantly discover who the go-to people in each department are, who is most knowledgeable on a given subject, and conversely, who is likely to quit. These are incredibly powerful use cases that could potentially redefine how organizations are managed; pretty much anything you’d want to compute about human nature is bared in unstructured data.

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